Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Signs of Donegal

Bandit country.

With he Caribbean island the next land to the South West, these signs are now a standard on remote West Coast harbors.

Dried seaweed (Palmaria palmata) eaten on the Irish Atlantic coast.


Mrs Doyle...

I've seen a thousand of these during years of Irish surfaris. An almost instinctive turn to investigate when spotted. First time I've actually stopped to document. Symptom is time spent abroad. Tourist?

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Dubai pimp

Etched vandalism on the rear end of a new VW Touareg, Dubai.

Ceci est mainstream

Single speed print on a tshirt, popular clothing store range in a Dubai mall.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Found passport photo

Visa application, curriculum vitae, national identity card form, driving test, medical insurance papers? Picture the scene. After queuing for 2hrs. "Sir, your application requires a passport photograph". "Yes, it's here somewhere, really, I had it 2 minutes ago..." Cut to dispare.  (Identity hidden to protect the innocent.)

Beirut documentation

Lāmāt Beirut

Monday, September 20, 2010

Archive bike picture

Stumbled upon this old picture whilst backing up files. Bike on loan from the hotel. Cut leg 'sanitised' with White Spirit by a friendly local bike mechanic. Kilifi, Kenya. Circa 2001.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

£10 single speed

Northern Bank note with John Boyd Dunlop's single speed. In 1887 he developed the first practical pneumatic tyre. Founder of Dunlop Tyre Company etc. Well tight geometry on that ride.

Rust M

Grafitti on metal post beside Monumento aos Descobrimentos, Lisbon.

Bicycle street stencils

Cycle path along Avenue De Brasili, Lisbon.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Treasures of the deep

Sea water is now cool enough for swim training. Also the time of year some folks immerse statues in the sea.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Five and a half

Bikes of Sri Lanka

 Check out the battery on the back rack that he's wired his 'claxon' to. Lottery ticket seller.

 No frills commuter here. Function over fashion.

A business on two wheels. Common sight.

A business on four wheels.

This is bicycle hardware. Beautiful.

The ice cream man of Galle.

Sounds bikey.

Took this shot to show the lottery tickets on the front mounted board. Was only whist cropping that I saw the paint job. Pink, yellow and rust. Lush.

 A Raleigh. Indian manufactured?

Red shirt, red bike. Spotted this guy on his bike whilst riding in a tuk-tuk. Had to ask the driver to u-turn to get the shot. The bike was gleaming! The kid was super sharp looking. Custom Atlas tricked out for road racing.

Is a braver one than me to ride the roads of Lanka. Suspect these guys have some scary tales at the end of their tour. 

Some serious frame tweaking on this ride. Can't imagine this ships from the factory like this. Awesome build.