Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Thai island

1000 something?

Tropical storm strikes on transfer from terminal to aircraft.


Blue taxi-bus strip light.

Mountain forest pool. Tropical butterflies, humidity, tranquility.

 Fuel stop. Hand pump from the barrel.

 Handwritten gauge.

 Pebbles to count the liters.

 Gecko eating dragonfly.

 Metallic green Honda.

Green taxi-bus strip light.

 Ladyboy in transit.

Red taxi-bus strip light.

Skin nibbling fish.

 Tropical storm pushing in.

All fake. Not one fixed price.

Thai street food

Thai tailor

Random Singapore

Missing bike tee

Icecream and avocado puree

Homemade vanilla icecream in baby coconut husk, topped with avocado puree and palm sugar.

The other end of the spectrum, but equally as good.

Singapore by numbers