Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Italian parking lesson

This is Filippo parking his Fiat Punto in a space that is actually shorter than the length of the car. Yes, it was a good 6 inches less than the car. Passersby paused to watch, shaking their heads in disgust and commenting on the inconsideration of some people, thinking that Filippo had been blocked in... unaware they were actually witnessing an Italian maestro at work. "Un bacino davanti, un bacino di dietro... ecco fatto!" Étangs d'Ixelles, Bruxelles.

Irish summer

These pictures where shot in the space of 2 or 3 days. You can score all four seasons in Ireland in such a timeframe.
Parking the car to visit the Ulster Museum. A rainy grey Agincournt Avenue, The Holylands, Belfast. Grim.
Rain shower over Downings or Carrigart, Donegal. Shot from Fanad Head on return from a surf dawn patrol. Typical Failte Ireland (Irish tourist board) shot.
Blue skies over grazing land behind Glassagh strand on Fanad Head, Donegal. Picnic location, picnic weather.
Lough Neagh rushes in the morning sunlight. Oxford Island, Lough Neagh, Co. Armagh. The Heritage and Discovery Centre there will tell you how baskets and eel traps are woven from these very plants...
Typical euro summer sky. It's warm, but it might just rain. Bring a rain jacket or not? Either Moira, Co Armagh or Bruxelles. But it could easily be anywhere in northern Europe during summer.

Balloon and the rock

I'm guessing this was a sign or direction marker to someones party, but when spotted whilst walking to work at 7:45am, after a late night previous, I snapped it thinking "Why would someone tie a balloon to a rock?"

Monday, August 16, 2010

Lanka fauna

Weird stamen of a flower found outside balcony in Sri Lanka. Possibly a Cactus Orchid?

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Irish beverages

 Childhood memories of holiday's in Castletownbere, Co. Cork.
 Northern Irish classic, found nowhere else!
Swedish treat now available in Ireland!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Summer in Bruxelles

 Playing ball in the park. Note: Translucent turquoise volleyball.  Lush!
Blackberries ripening in the garden.